Embracing the Chewiness of New Beginnings

Embracing the Chewiness of New Beginnings

Starting something new can feel a little... chewy.

Meet Lola and Koa, my two adventurous pups. Recently, they had their first encounter with beef trachea treats. At first, they sniffed cautiously, circled them a few times, and then turned their big, questioning eyes toward me as if to ask, "Are you sure about this?" They hesitated, contemplated, and hesitated some more. But after about five minutes of deliberation, they went all in. And let’s just say—there were no regrets.

This got me thinking about how we, as humans, approach new opportunities. Whether it’s starting a new job, stepping into a different role, or even taking on a challenge we never saw coming, we often react the same way. We hesitate. We analyze. We wonder if we’re making the right choice. And sometimes, we even second-guess ourselves.

But just like Lola and Koa, once we take that first bite—once we commit to the experience—we often find that it’s not so scary after all. In fact, it can be unexpectedly rewarding.

The Hesitation Before the Leap

It’s natural to hesitate before diving into the unknown. Change is uncomfortable, and the unknown can feel daunting. We wonder if we’re ready, if we’ll succeed, or if we should just stick to what’s familiar. But growth doesn’t happen inside our comfort zones—it happens when we take that leap of faith.

Whether you’re starting a new job, leading a project, or exploring a new passion, give yourself permission to “sniff it out.” Take your time. Observe. But don’t let hesitation keep you from taking that first step.

Trusting the Process

Lola and Koa’s cautious approach didn’t last long. Once they decided to trust the experience, they fully embraced it—chewing, savoring, and enjoying every bite. And isn’t that the goal? To move forward with confidence, trusting that even if the path feels uncertain at first, it might just lead to something great?

So, here’s to all the “sniffing it out” moments we face—whether it’s a new treat, a new job, or a new challenge. Sometimes, you just need to take a bite and trust the process.

🐾 Lola and Koa give tracheas a solid 5-minute hesitation followed by two paws up.

What new adventure are you hesitating to dive into right now?


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